Monday 27 October 2008

Get ready, set, Work!

Chapter 12: All work,!

Who are we kidding boys and girls?

I'm at university now, it's not school anymore, where it sometimes had to be all work, no play. but here, nuh uh, that's not even an option! you'd depress without some fun in between your work. Or more likely, some work in between your fun. :D Even the nerdy/geeky kids have their fun by playing their video games or whatnot. No, I tell you, University isn't work, work, work. Sure, you've got to do it, and mostly you don't (I do, don't worry) unless you know it's going to be graded, then you do. Still, if you need between a 5 and a 7,5 to pass, you're not too worried ;)

Yeah, about that, who said uni was hard as sh*t? Not here! It's not easy, and it IS challenging, but we can't really call freshman year "complicated" or "hard", unless you're talking about your relationship status. Because, yes, for most people here, it will be complicated, or hard to get/keep someone. Anyway, I won't have that problem either. I've got all I want, and all I need in a wittle town called Brussels. Number 194 in the avenue of the... wait, I won't tell you where my one and only lives, you might stalk him and try to steal him from me! I wouldn't let it happen anyway :] I'm too attached.

Anyway, 4th week, and yeah I'm getting more work. There's the usual german homework, like you would get when learning a language back at school. And then there's that Arabic homework, which is not actually given to you. This is the tricky part about uni, you've got to invent your own homework in order to follow up. But if you get a good rhythm since the beginning and follow up to what you've told yourself to do, then you're just F-I-N-E. Except sometimes, I don't. But then I catch up. :) I had a 16 in my previous class test and the one from week 4  I got another 20. I improved! Anyway..

I'm going to be a photographer for the McIntosh Naked Calendar, which could be quite a big laugh. I'll tell you more about it when we get to it. Or even decide what the theme will be. Because at our meeting we vaguely had the idea of doing  "a night out in St Andrews", which would involve taking naked pictures in our favorite bars and at Empire, our local kebab, pizza, fries place for incase you get the munchies late at night. 

My tuesday screening was Alfred Hitchcock's "The conversation", really good movie, great actress, you should watch it. It's not scary like "The Birds" :P

Wednesday's Archery was cool because there were less people, so more play. I mean, more shooting. :) We were also explained all of the parts and functions of the Bow and all those extra accessories. Needless to say that I can't remember any of the names, and I might remember half of the functions. Anyway, our coach's point was : A good bow, costs a hell of a lot of money! (all in all hers was +£1000)
Tennis this time was rather fun, even if it did start drizzling in the end. I tested out my new super skill of the good raquet holding position, which worked like a charm, and that rubbery thing to stop the vibrations (that Tom nicely bought for me. I mean no, he went to buy it for me, and then I paid him back) works great!
I played with Maria-Christina, a lovely Italian girl who's also in my Film tutorial group.
When the two others left, we actually continued playing, and since we're not pros we kind of hit the ball to the far left/right, causing us to run, A LOT! That's how I hurt my left leg. GREAT!

Thursday I went to rent some dvds because I thought it was about time for me to start my Film tutorial presentation. I only watched them on Friday morning.
Oh sorry, I watched Mulholland drive (if anyone understood this movie, please post a comment). That was the weirdest and most confusing movie of all times, that I have seen. and the music just puts you under a lot of stress. Gee, thanx David Lynch, that's just what I need!
Then I watched Rosemary's Baby, which is referenced as a Horror movie, and so, if it is, I am proud to say that it might actually be my favourite horror movie. You should know I don't like horror movies and thrillers, and I make it clear to everyone that if you want to watch one of those with me, I promise you I will ruin it for you. They're so predictable (except for mulholland drive, crazy shit right there) and stupid.
Anyway, long story short, none of these worked for my presentation about sound.
Friday I had my Polo lesson with Laura from last time, Joely and Harriet, and a new acquaintance Tom something. really nice guy. Smiley too. That's always great!
After coming back and not missing the bus (btw we took the exact same one to go and come back, nice driver we had!), I went to hall to save my radio text and just took my computer to the station.
It was a fun experience actually being in a closed space with plenty of microphones and having to read the news for XX of people to hear! I had too much to read and too little time though, so in the end my throat was so dry and I was in a desperate need for water.

On sunday I collected 3 new movies, Ucho/the ear, for my film thing and Saturday night fever and Manhattan for my own pleasure. but if they actually seem more interesting to use, I might do that.

Anyway, that's all about my week. :)

Good night,  dear people!

xx Lar

Sunday 26 October 2008

Not so fresh anymore..

Chapter 11: Uni's becoming more uni and less summer camp.

Good Day Boys & girls!

It's my third week of Lectures here at St Andrews!

Monday, Second Arabic CT, this time it wasn't just joining the letters, there was an additional dictated word, which I failed because it's so damn complicated to decide which s, t, d or h to use because there's two of each! I ended with a 16 though, it's not too bad, except that i'm really dissapointed with myself because 3 of the mistakes were identical and just so so stupid. But at least now I know i'll never make them again!
Omg, then at lunch, I picked up a parcel with my name on it. Of course it was sent by an angel living in Belgium but I was NOT expecting it. Oh how good I felt! 
See Olivier sent me a Tshirt that says I heart you, just like those I heart NY ones. And he has one, and then I totally didn't connect that fact with the one where he asks me my size. what a dumdum I am!
Anyway, the tshirt fits great, and now me and him have matching tshirt. So cheesy, yet so adorably sexy. :P
With the parcel, a cute little letter that smells of him. It's magic.
Also, I look pretty stupid in the dining room, when I pick up my letter and smell it like I'm some sexual deviant. But I just can't help myself (for loving yououououou...).
At my RP meeting I gave my idea of a parody of a suicidal student  movie and the president Naysun and others thought it was a good idea, so now I have to write the script and off I am. But first, I have to write the script, I know I just said it, but I insist on this crucial part of making a movie. I'll get to it sometime, don't worry, I'll tell you when. :)

Then Tuesday I had my Child Protection training for Families First, now all I have to do to get started is ask my Family (notice how the word family doesn't take a capital letter, in english, in German however, each and every noun takes a capital letter, and we're so brainwashed to "NOT forget the capital letter for nouns" in class, that now I even do so in english!) in Germany if they're willing to be my referees and then off I am! I can't wait to have a Befriendee!
The screening was Nobody Knows, a Japanese film, the plot was awful, as in "omg that's awful what's appening to you", and it was actually based on a true story, but I didn't really like the cinematography. It also was just too long.

Wednesday, sports day! I went to Archery for the first time, it was pretty good! Clearly i'm not shooting in the gold just yet, but i hit some red and blue! The target hierarchy goes as follows from best to "worst": yellow/gold, red, blue, black, and then whether you hit the hay or hit the floor it doesn't matter, it counts, or doesn't count, as the same.
I left a little early to be able to go back to hall and get my iPod, because I had to go to Polo and i was in a for a one hour bus ride to Kinross. I had already changed into my attire before going to Archery so I didn't have to worry about that.
We got there and I only had my rugby shirt and it was freaking windy, so Thom Bell, our Polo instructor, was nice enough to lend me one of his jackets. After all the paperwork was filled, and I had written down for the millionth time who my next of kin was, we all went to the stables to mount the wooden horse.
I, the newbie, got the privilege of going first. It's true, the stick is indeed heavy if you hold it in any angle other than 90° or 270°, that's why you see a lot of Polo players with their sticks resting on their shoulder whilst getting to wherever the ball is.
This time I learned only the off side swings (off side= right side when mounting, near side: left), the half swing, the forehand and backhand swings.
Anywhoo, after each of us (4 of us) had our turn on woodie the wooden horse, how i like to call it, we had a small, arena Polo "match", and my partner and I won! I actually scored too!
We were done by 6.20 and we had to rush off our horses to get to the bus station, but we missed the bus, so we had to order a very expensive taxi to get back to our dear little St Andrews. Of course that means that today I didn't go to Tennis...

On friday, I had a 6 hour long Sexual Health seminar in order for me to be a Sexual Health advisor and Condom distributor. I now know all forms of contraception, in different shapes, sizes, tastes and colour. As well as I know most of the signs for STI's and on top of that, I know exactly how a pregnancy test works, and if someone asks for one, I have to assist. 
Gotta love all that extra necessary knowledge! (ps: an advice for people, chocolate has a very strong and very very chemical scent.)
I also had my News Team introductory meeting for Star. Nothing too special but I'm really gonna get involved in the radio.

I think either Friday or Saturday I got my third letter from Olivier, Oh joy, joy, joy! I think I might've sniffed it so hard that all the small went away. Oh well! omg it's so divine though. 
I wrote back and had my mum be the mailwoman and bring it to him. :) Kudos for mum!

Then on the weekend, my mum came! I showed her around and we had a little scottish shopping, this means she got some pleads and I got me a barbour-like jacket! We tried out a couple restaurants and cafés, which was really cosy and nice, and of course, it's my mother, so we had to look at houses and flats for sale! We saw some pretty nice ones that I'm going to have to visit some time. It would be great if we got one of the ones we saw, they're just B-E-A-utiful!

Also, on saturday night, I played a little Twister with Eilidh and Guy, it was  pretty funny. Guy kept pushing me so I would fall, but in the end I won, Yay!
And saturday night, Ellie had the great idea to propose a swim, so I went along as Photographer, and we ended up taking illegal pictures on the Swilken Bridge, probably one of the most famous bridges in the world! It's tiny and cute :) But you're not supposed to step on it at night.. Of course rules are there to be broken, and we're young and mostly stupid, so what the heck! Let's live life on the Wild side, we've only got one!

I didn't get much sleep this week, so it felt more like what people said uni felt like, you feel like taking naps all the time, and you do! 

♥ naps!
Anyway, tootles!

xx Lar

Saturday 11 October 2008

Oh Wow there's a difference between 1st and 2nd

Chapter 10: Week 2.

Hey hey Boys and Girls! 
It has been 6 days since I've written here. There's just too much going on, all the time. I find it hard to take just a few minutes to write about my day, so I'm pretty sure this is how it's gonna be for a while, me writing about my week. I'm going to try to only tell the stuff that might actually interest you, and not the whole of what I've been up to for the week. So just because I only tell you "on tuesday there was a huge fight and I was involved, and I sent to guys to the hospital. Wednesday..."(this didn't happen), it doesn't mean that is ALL that happened. No. There is so much happening in a day in the life of a St Andrews student, you could probably write a book about that day.

So far I must tell you, there hasn't been much drama to be honest. None to be precise, or at least, as far as I'm concerned. However, gossip there can be. Alot. And people LOVE it! :]

Alrighty, here goes nothing.

I'm terribly sorry, I can't tell you what I did the previous weekend, as I simply can't remember it. No, I wasn't drunk. So much happens to me everyday, it's hard to remember it all! I find I should be forgiven.
Oh yeah I remember, I went with some friends to watch the end of the Championship. 'twas niice! And after that, I escorted tom for his Sunday swim, and we met Sarah on our way there. 
later he and I went around St Andrews to take some pictures of the Quad and such places...

Monday I had my very first Class Test (CT), and it had to be in Arabic. I didn't study too much, just went over the letters and what they look like in each position. I thought it went well. And I had a great feeling, because when my tutor gave me my test back on thursday (i'm writing this here instead of under Thursday, because yeah I can.) I saw a bright red 20 sitting there, at the bottom of my page. And yes, marks are always out of 20. Just like my good Ole' days at the Lycée!
Then, I went to my first Rogue Production meeting, and I'm getting quite excited about filming and making a movie, only problem is, I don't feel like writing the full script. So there might be a problem there... But no worries, I have confidence that during Reading week or everyday I will write a bit of it. I just need to get my plot right and start. That's always the hardest part, the start...

Tuesday I had my Fire Warden meeting, and yes I will be a Fire warden which basically means that I get a board and a pen and I go "room number please, Check" and so on and so on until I've gotten everyone on the floor I was assigned to. It's not a complicated job, however seeing "Fire Warden" on a CV, is pretty intense. :p
The screening this week was Singin' in the Rain. I love that film! And of course the Singing in the rain scene, it's just brilliant. Gotta love Gene Kelly!

Wednesday, after lectures and lunch I took Tom's camera, that he so kindly lend me, and I walked about the whole of St Andrews taking pictures until there was no space left on his memory stick. I was at it until 6 using my sunglasses as a filter and climbing walls in order to take "that perfect shot". It was quite fun, I love it, and I'm quite satisfied with the photos I took. I'll try to post them here somewhere, sometime.
Also, I had my first Tennis session. It wasn't, and won't ever be anything special. As it is freestyle tennis, by that I mean, there is no coach, so you're just playing with whoever is there, and you're not even playing a game or anything, you just hit balls.
And since I haven't played tennis since I was 12 (because that one time in Carqueiranne doesn't really count:] ), so I couldn't hold my raquet properly, and so, hurt my wrist.
But luckily, my dear darling of a boyfriend explained and showed me the proper position of the hand on the raquet via Skype. How adorable. I also need a little thingamajig to stop the vibrations. whatever they're called!

Thursday, apart from my lectures and tutorial, I went to RBS to enquire about the £13 that were taken from the money that my father wired me, turns out and intermediate bank thinks it's fine to just take some cash from the total sum that is supposed to get to me. What bitches.

Friday, I arrived at the end of the EuroTrash magazine meeting, but still the guy was nice enough to explain to me the criteria for writing and such. I'm thinking about writing about Belgium. :) It was foreseeable! I'd talk about all the good stuff, ie. cheap beer, amazing chocolate, DJ Tiësto... 

This time, I don't know what i did during the 11-12/10 weekend. No clue, what so ever. It mustn't be very important I guess. :)

Well that's all for Week 2, which was, alot fuller than week 1, but still, I didn't have that University stress feeling. Not yet... I'm sure it'll come, even though I don't want it to!

Good night sweet peeps, I'm off.

xx Lar

Friday 3 October 2008

This Is How It'll be for A Semester

Chapter 9: Week 1.

Alrighty boys and girls, my first week of lectures is nearly over (I only have one lecture today, at 4) and now I know how I'll be spending my weeks. Well not exactly.

Week 1 was the week of enrollment, first sessions, introductory meetings, sports trainings etc. So my weeks will never be as filled up as this one was. I had so much to do, I didn't know how I was gonna manage doing it all.

Monday I had my three classes and the Riding meet. Nothing much, not too hectic.

Tuesday, 2 lectures, 1 screening and 4 activities (as I call the meets/sessions/etc.). How to manage to do it all. Let me tell you this now, I couldn't. However, I managed to do all but one, which I can postpone: screening. I can just rent or watch the DVD in the Library.
After my second Lecture, which was German, I head up to the Union for the introduction to STAR (St Andrews Radio). It lasted about 45mn, and was quite helpful/useful, whatever.
I came back to drop my stuff in my room and immediately after I arrived, Tom came in. Then he wanted to drop his stuff so we both head down to his room. It was 6 O'clock. For some odd, odd reason, that I can't figure out, we started looking for the longest and highest bridges in the world and locate them on Google earth. At 6h55 we decided to head out for dinner. Problem was, dinner is from 6h15 to 6h45, and we totally forgot that, we inverted it with the lunch times which are from 12h45 to 1h20.
We meet Alex on our way who tells us it's no use to go because all the food will be gone. He also didn't have dinner. Never mind Alex, Tom and I ran the E corridor, up the stairs, D corridor, down the stairs to the dining room. And we enter it just as they ring for seconds. We were so happy.
As we sat down I remembered that at 7 I had the Polo meet (and the screening, and the go meet.) So I swallowed my dinner in 5mn, ran out of Hall, to the Rule on South Street.
I get there on time, because it wasn't a meet, it was more like a pay and sign up thing.
When that's done, I don't stay for the drinks and fun, I run to the Union for my go meet. I learn and play a little go and at 9 I'm pretty knackered and decide to head back to Hall.
On my way back I decide that I'm not going to sign up for Go, as I already have so much to do as far as sports, societies, volunteering, and I should eventually and occasionally work too.
I also meet people who told me the film was crap (Night Watch) so it's not like I missed a movie to see on the big screen, on a computer it should do just fine!

Wednesday before Arabic I go to RBS to pick my debit card up, but they are so friggen slow, that I only got it at 10h57-ish and so had to run out and run to my Arabic lecture. I hate being late. I came in after everyone was seated, but before Fabio was in, so that was good timing too.
After the lecture I signed up for my tutorial and immediately went to the Union to audition for this "professional film" that some people are filming in association with Rogue Productions.
'twas pretty fun, I had to be insulted by two drunken idiots with no future(NB:that were their characters, not the actual guys). It was great fun. I don't expect to be chosen though. hehe.
Then I come back at about 12h50, I change to my riding stuff and am ready to head down to get a packed lunch. 
I didn't know you had to sign up for them, so it was a little bit of talk before they actually gave it to me, but eventually the lady was nice enough to give me the wraps.
I ran out for the sport center as I had Archery training for novices from 1 to 3. It was 1 when I left and I made it to the science buildings at 1h10 by running. Then I stopped and figured there was no way I would have time to do archery and run back into town for 1h30, when we were gonna leave for team trials. So I just immediately walked back for that.

It was a 5mn drive there and we each got an average of 5 minutes on a horse. They only had 5 horses for about 25 people. Plus they paid £15 per horse (ie £75 total) and we EACH had to pay £15 for trials. We were ROBBED!

I head back into town, and Casey (the girl who drove us there) was nice enough to drop me off just in front of Baptist Church where I had my Training for Befriending at 3. Wasn't late. Woot!
It lasted two hours, was quite interesting, and I'm looking forward to being a befriender. I must tell you right now that I won't be able to give details of my time with the kid, or about the kid itself, because I have sworn confidentiality and I don't want to be kicked out of the program. So yeah, sorry about that. You'll know some things obviously... don't worry.

Later in the night I had the Rogue Production (RP) meeting, and that was quite interesting too. I talked to members of the committee and they're absolutely adorable (as in nice) and one of them actually proposed I get on the committee. This would be really rad as I'm really into this society. I want to try EVERYTHING and ANYTHING. I've sworn to that. Editing, acting, producing, directing, whatever, you name it, I'll do/try it!

In the evening I just sat in the common room, quoting Anchorman with Hannah and watching Eilidh and Kirsten be drunk, and wasted, and pass out on the couch, and other really funny things.

Thursday I just had my three lectures and my Arabic tutorial. German for beginners is beginning to annoy and bore me, it's going to slow for me. The problem is they can't put me in the intermediate class as I have not studied German at school, so I'm stuck with reciting the alphabet and such right now. Yawn.

I was meant to go to trampoline but I decided not to go as the trampoline training times were clashing with tennis for example and as I thought "when will I be able to bounce other than at uni?". Instead I stayed home and talked to my beautiful lover. <3
And some "Newsteam assemble" in the common room.

So now I have 4 sports, 4 societies and 1 volunteer work. Oh and 3 modules. :] let's not forget what we're here for.

Friday, after breakfast I get dressed, and Chrissi, Camron and I head to the Dunhill Links Cup. We are on a quest. A quest to find three people: Luke Wilson, Hugh Grant and Samuel Jackson.
I saw them all! omg yes!
First I saw Hugh up close. He was standing 1 meter away from me, on the other side of the barricade. I tried not to stare but I did smile at him and he smiled back, so he's not one of those who think so highly about themselves and so low about others.
Then Samuel had to tee off, it wasn't a really good shot to be honest. He was hiding, well no, actually maybe he was realllly cold. After all, they ALL had mittens on. And I can tell you, as I was freezing my hands off, that it was pretty windy and chilly. BEAUTIFUL day out, but icy cold.
I was making my way back to Hall when I noticed it said "WILSON" on the teamboard, so I figured he was playing. And indeed he was. His ball had landed in the bunker. It was the funniest thing. 
He goes in to hit, hits the ball, gets all the sand in his eyes and sadly, the ball falls right back into the bunker as it was kind of a cylinder, not a bowl or a little pond shaped thing. Second try. He learns from his mistake as immediately after hitting the ball, he turns around and curls up in a ball, as to not get any sand, and he didn't. On top of that, this time the ball was out. yipee.

After that I seriously made my way back into Hall and had a nice hot water bottle (HWB) waiting for me. aaaah the joy!
Also, totally unexpected, my Lover came online. Such a cutie, made a t-shirt in thought of me. (yes, yes, I know the "You" stands for me.).

Anywhoo, after lunch, we're heading out to see the Fab3 and take photos with/of them.