Sunday 26 October 2008

Not so fresh anymore..

Chapter 11: Uni's becoming more uni and less summer camp.

Good Day Boys & girls!

It's my third week of Lectures here at St Andrews!

Monday, Second Arabic CT, this time it wasn't just joining the letters, there was an additional dictated word, which I failed because it's so damn complicated to decide which s, t, d or h to use because there's two of each! I ended with a 16 though, it's not too bad, except that i'm really dissapointed with myself because 3 of the mistakes were identical and just so so stupid. But at least now I know i'll never make them again!
Omg, then at lunch, I picked up a parcel with my name on it. Of course it was sent by an angel living in Belgium but I was NOT expecting it. Oh how good I felt! 
See Olivier sent me a Tshirt that says I heart you, just like those I heart NY ones. And he has one, and then I totally didn't connect that fact with the one where he asks me my size. what a dumdum I am!
Anyway, the tshirt fits great, and now me and him have matching tshirt. So cheesy, yet so adorably sexy. :P
With the parcel, a cute little letter that smells of him. It's magic.
Also, I look pretty stupid in the dining room, when I pick up my letter and smell it like I'm some sexual deviant. But I just can't help myself (for loving yououououou...).
At my RP meeting I gave my idea of a parody of a suicidal student  movie and the president Naysun and others thought it was a good idea, so now I have to write the script and off I am. But first, I have to write the script, I know I just said it, but I insist on this crucial part of making a movie. I'll get to it sometime, don't worry, I'll tell you when. :)

Then Tuesday I had my Child Protection training for Families First, now all I have to do to get started is ask my Family (notice how the word family doesn't take a capital letter, in english, in German however, each and every noun takes a capital letter, and we're so brainwashed to "NOT forget the capital letter for nouns" in class, that now I even do so in english!) in Germany if they're willing to be my referees and then off I am! I can't wait to have a Befriendee!
The screening was Nobody Knows, a Japanese film, the plot was awful, as in "omg that's awful what's appening to you", and it was actually based on a true story, but I didn't really like the cinematography. It also was just too long.

Wednesday, sports day! I went to Archery for the first time, it was pretty good! Clearly i'm not shooting in the gold just yet, but i hit some red and blue! The target hierarchy goes as follows from best to "worst": yellow/gold, red, blue, black, and then whether you hit the hay or hit the floor it doesn't matter, it counts, or doesn't count, as the same.
I left a little early to be able to go back to hall and get my iPod, because I had to go to Polo and i was in a for a one hour bus ride to Kinross. I had already changed into my attire before going to Archery so I didn't have to worry about that.
We got there and I only had my rugby shirt and it was freaking windy, so Thom Bell, our Polo instructor, was nice enough to lend me one of his jackets. After all the paperwork was filled, and I had written down for the millionth time who my next of kin was, we all went to the stables to mount the wooden horse.
I, the newbie, got the privilege of going first. It's true, the stick is indeed heavy if you hold it in any angle other than 90° or 270°, that's why you see a lot of Polo players with their sticks resting on their shoulder whilst getting to wherever the ball is.
This time I learned only the off side swings (off side= right side when mounting, near side: left), the half swing, the forehand and backhand swings.
Anywhoo, after each of us (4 of us) had our turn on woodie the wooden horse, how i like to call it, we had a small, arena Polo "match", and my partner and I won! I actually scored too!
We were done by 6.20 and we had to rush off our horses to get to the bus station, but we missed the bus, so we had to order a very expensive taxi to get back to our dear little St Andrews. Of course that means that today I didn't go to Tennis...

On friday, I had a 6 hour long Sexual Health seminar in order for me to be a Sexual Health advisor and Condom distributor. I now know all forms of contraception, in different shapes, sizes, tastes and colour. As well as I know most of the signs for STI's and on top of that, I know exactly how a pregnancy test works, and if someone asks for one, I have to assist. 
Gotta love all that extra necessary knowledge! (ps: an advice for people, chocolate has a very strong and very very chemical scent.)
I also had my News Team introductory meeting for Star. Nothing too special but I'm really gonna get involved in the radio.

I think either Friday or Saturday I got my third letter from Olivier, Oh joy, joy, joy! I think I might've sniffed it so hard that all the small went away. Oh well! omg it's so divine though. 
I wrote back and had my mum be the mailwoman and bring it to him. :) Kudos for mum!

Then on the weekend, my mum came! I showed her around and we had a little scottish shopping, this means she got some pleads and I got me a barbour-like jacket! We tried out a couple restaurants and cafés, which was really cosy and nice, and of course, it's my mother, so we had to look at houses and flats for sale! We saw some pretty nice ones that I'm going to have to visit some time. It would be great if we got one of the ones we saw, they're just B-E-A-utiful!

Also, on saturday night, I played a little Twister with Eilidh and Guy, it was  pretty funny. Guy kept pushing me so I would fall, but in the end I won, Yay!
And saturday night, Ellie had the great idea to propose a swim, so I went along as Photographer, and we ended up taking illegal pictures on the Swilken Bridge, probably one of the most famous bridges in the world! It's tiny and cute :) But you're not supposed to step on it at night.. Of course rules are there to be broken, and we're young and mostly stupid, so what the heck! Let's live life on the Wild side, we've only got one!

I didn't get much sleep this week, so it felt more like what people said uni felt like, you feel like taking naps all the time, and you do! 

♥ naps!
Anyway, tootles!

xx Lar

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